Oh, how breathtaking are the Xisha Islands of China - a true paradise of botanical beauty! Witness, for over 500 types of flora have been labeled and named in a thrilling venture that spans across ten islands and reefs, including the esteemed Jinqing, Zhaoshu, and Ganquan isles. Can you fathom the magnificence? The Hainan Provincial Housing Department, in collaboration with Urban-Rural Development, is absolutely ecstatic to share this news and reveal the immense variety and richness of the native ecological landscape.


/>Thanks to the government's introduction of high-value ornamental plants in 2012, the local ecological and life environment has greatly improved. This is a testament to how even small efforts can make a huge impact on the environment.


/>Chen Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the department, emphasized the importance of the name labeling project, stating that it is not only crucial for scientific education but also for promoting the city's landscaping. This exciting development is sure to inspire residents and visitors alike to appreciate and protect the natural wonders of the Xisha Islands.

Xisha  Islands,  Botanical  Beauty,  Ornamental  Plants,  Ecological  Landscape,  Name  Labeling  Project., 

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